Evidence-Based Practice

APA Policy Statement (2005)

"Evidence-Based Practice is the integration of the best available research with clinical expertise in the context of patient characteristics, culture, and preferences"

Empirically-Supported Treatments: www.psychologicaltreatments.org

Couseling Testing SessionThe Clinical and Counseling Psychology doctoral program at USA endorses a scientist 从业者模型. 学生 are taught formulations based on both the bio-psycho-social model and a wellness/resilience model. Clinicians receive training in evidence- based 实践. The program exposes students to a variety of different training experiences, providing both individual and group supervision in practicum. 实习培训是 well integrated with academic and clinical coursework and sequenced according to individual 需求和目标. In addition, brown bags (i.e. Ground Rounds) are scheduled routinely along with periodic specialty workshops by external speakers.