

As the coronavirus spreads, many adults and children are struggling with anxiety, 在不确定时期,什么是预期的.

Dr. 金伯利·兹隆克,教授和主席 心理诊所 at the 十大彩票网投平台, said in response to the current situation the USA 心理诊所 has launched a Skills for Psychological Recovery service. 这 will be a brief consultation service focused on coping and dealing with stress, uncertainty 在这场危机中感受到孤立. The fee will be $50, and individuals can participate in up to five sessions via tele-health with the support of Zoom.

“There is uncertainty on where the virus is, how to manage daily life and what the 未来会是什么样子,”Zlomke说. “我认为每个人都感到一定程度的焦虑. Anxiety is a common emotion and increases when faced with uncertainty or feeling out 控制局面的. 新冠肺炎危机加剧了这种情绪.”

Zlomke shares several ways everyone can cope with excessive anxiety during this time:

  • Limit viewing of information to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It 他是这方面的专家吗! Something we tend to do when faced with uncertainty is to seek out information, thinking more information will quell our fears, but we usually do not evaluate the sources and can take in misinformation.
  • 认识到什么是你可以控制的. We can control the washing of hands, not touching 你的脸和参与社交距离.  如果你可以在家工作,那就在家工作吧. If you don’t need an item from the store, stay home. 如果你必须外出,请采取预防措施.
  • Take care of each other, especially those that are vulnerable to mental health conditions or who are already isolated, such as some of the elderly.  检查他们,让他们去做 知道你随时都可以照顾. Social distancing and isolation are difficult, especially 在这焦虑的时刻. Social support is often one way that we cope with feelings 焦虑的.
  • Healthcare providers are also at increased risk of stress, burnout and mental health 这段时间的困难. 他们需要我们的支持.

Zlomke’s tips for parents to help their children cope with fear and stress:

  • Remain calm and understanding; children react and follow the emotions of adults.
  • Be available; children may need extra attention, but not know how to ask for it.
  • 避免过度责备. It will not fix the situation, but children will hear and 模仿负面评论.
  • Monitor your child’s television viewing and social media interactions.
  • 尽可能保持正常的日常生活. 这不是暑假,但它也 现在不是家庭学校训练营的时间.
  • 讨论和示范卫生和安全实践.


  • 给自己留点时间
  • 优先考虑健康的选择
  • 是现实的
  • 设定界限
  • 重新做你喜欢的事情

Dr. Kimberly Zlomke is a licensed psychologist and the director of the University 南阿拉巴马心理诊所的医生. Zlomke是美国系的教授 of 心理学 and the clinical and counseling 心理学 doctoral program. 她的专业领域 include child and family functioning, disruptive child behavior, and autism spectrum 障碍. Zlomke sees clients on a fee-for-service basis through the USA Psychology 诊所. Zlomke can provide psychological assessments, psycho-educational/neuropsychological evaluations, autism and ADHD evaluations, as well as provide therapy and counseling 服务. She is also available for consultation to schools, clinics and organizations.




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