Policies and Procedures

▼   General Facility Policies

学生中心的所有空间都将由副院长监督 of Students.

在学生中心的个人可能需要提供身份证明 在任何时候,根据学生中心人员或十大彩票网投平台的决定 Alabama Police Department.

Spaces should be left in the same manner they are found at arrival. Please no staples, 在设施、固定装置、家具或设备的任何部分涂上胶带或油漆. Please do not remove any furnishings or equipment from rooms or spaces.

十大彩票网投平台及其学院和分部遵循一项政策 不歧视种族、性别(包括怀孕)、性取向、 入学政策中的宗教、肤色、国籍、年龄或遗传信息 与实践、教育项目、活动、就业实践相适应 to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. The University of South Alabama does 不歧视学生和就业的做法,违反任何适用 laws. 十大彩票网投平台是一所机会均等的学校 institution. The University of South Alabama does not discriminate on the basis of disability. No otherwise qualified person with a disability, solely on the basis of 这种残疾,将被排除在参与,被剥夺福利, 或在任何教育项目的管理中受到歧视 或活动,包括进入或进入或在其中的治疗或就业 by the University of South Alabama.

▼   Prohibited Items


  • Tobacco products
  • E-cigarettes
  • Self-balancing motorized vehicles
  • Non-motorized vehicles
  • Animals (except service animals)
▼   Posting Policy

本政策适用于悬挂或贴在大学建筑物或公告上的材料 boards. It applies to the entire campus except when superseded by written policies 住房和住宿生活部,体育部和学生中心. 经大学授权的个人可以删除张贴的材料 are not in accordance with this policy. Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Associate Director of the Student Center.

  1. Reservation Process
    所有传单,海报和横幅的预订(除上述例外)应 be made at the Student Center Information Desk located on the second floor. Groups 或者有自己的公告栏的部门不需要预约 for postings on their own board. All reserved flyers, posters and banners must bear 学生中心服务处盖印的预订日期,已使用的除外 in spaces designated for a specific organization or department.
  2. Criteria
    公布会议、节目和由注册会员赞助的特别活动的海报 所有大学都允许成立学生组织或学术部门 buildings. All material must include: the name of the sponsoring group, individual 或部门,如有必要,随附英文翻译. Materials may not contain obscene language, drawings, or illustrations. Materials may not make any reference in print or graphics to alcohol. For fundraisers, all beneficiaries of the fund- raising effort must be specified in the promotional material.
  3. Guidelines
    Flyer: any paper not exceeding the size 8.5 by 11 inches. Poster: any paper not exceeding the size 24 x 17 inches.
      • 所有传单/海报必须经学生中心信息处批准并盖章 Desk.
      •  Up to 50 flyers/posters allowed for USA student organizations.
      • Up to 15 flyers/posters allowed for individuals or non-USA groups.
      • Not more than 1 flyer/poster per bulletin board.
      • Flyers and posters may be posted in the following building and locations:
        • Administration bldg: Bulletin board in basement. No flyers/posters on first floor.
        • Classroom bldgs: Approved bulletin boards
        • MCOB: Approved bulletin boards
        • HPELS: Approved bulletin boards
        • College of Medicine: student lounge bulletin board
        • Library: bulletin board in front lobby
        • Life Sciences: Approved boards on each floor
        • Humanities: in hallway joining two wings
        • USA Mail Hub: approved bulletin boards
        • Shelby Hall: approved bulletin boards
        • Student Recreation Center: must be approved by Director of Campus
        • Recreation
        • Student Center: Approved bulletin boards
        • Student Center Mall: Between two front doors
        • 不允许在油漆表面、任何建筑物、门外、 windows, or trees.
        • All sheet signs must be approved by Student Government Association
        • NO flyers/posters are permitted on vehicles

        如有疑问,请与适当的大楼工作人员核实,以确定是否可以接受 locations.

        在特定建筑物,可由适当的工作人员或行政人员作出例外规定 personnel.

        物品不得以掩盖以前张贴(和当前张贴)的方式悬挂。 flyers.


        The SC staff will remove posters on the last day of each month. All groups are encouraged 及时删除自己的资料,并删除其他过时的资料 when posting their own.

        多日期的活动可以张贴一整个学期,然而,这样的海报将 be taken down at the conclusion of each semester. Exceptions to time limitations may be made for posters promoting on-going programs that are hosted on campus.

        不允许在油漆表面、任何建筑物的外面、门、玻璃、 or trees. 在建筑物内放置传单的位置,如果资料不完整,则可以例外 pertains specifically to use of that building (i.e.: No Smoking, Hours, etc.). Special 学生会选举委员会可通过有关学生活动的规例.

        如不遵守上述规定,张贴者的特权将被取消 for offending organization(s) and/or individuals.

  4. Special Rules for Posting Banners in the Student Center
    这些在学生中心张贴的规则适用于已注册的学生组织, academic and administrative departments. Organizations and departments wishing to 悬挂横幅必须与学生高级副主任预约位置 Center located in RM 150. 

    Banners may only be hung from 2nd floor lobby rail and only. Banners may not exceed 3 feet in width and 10 feet in length. Student Center staff will take down banners exceeding these dimensions.
  5. Sheet Signs
    You must be given permission by SGA to put up a sheet sign. Sheet signs may be hung 仅限户外活动,并且只能用于宣布即将举行的活动 注册美国学生组织和学术部门,并由SGA选举 candidates for campaign purposes. Sheet signs advertising an event may be hung seven 必须在指定事件发生前的三天内移除 the event. All other sheet signs may be posted for a maximum of 30 days.

    每张表格的签名必须注明相关大学团体或个人的名字. 广告牌必须挂在两棵树之间,必须用可生物降解的绳子和 可以放置在校园里的任何地方除了米切尔中心及其场地,莫尔顿 Tower and Alumni Plaza, or within 200 yards of the perimeter of the campus. Except 对于大学赞助的活动标志,单张标志不得超过五英尺 且不得妨碍或损害与道路或路面有关的能见度 ingress and egress to a building or area of campus. A maximum of four sheet signs per event or SGA candidate will be allowed on campus at any given time. Any sheet 不完全符合本政策的标志将会被移除 disposal without notice.
  6. Chalking
    粉笔只允许在自然的灰色混凝土人行道和街道上使用 to being washed by the rain, and the chalk used must be washable. No chalking can 发生在人行道或建筑物入口处,以任何方式覆盖,也不是任何类型 of brick or concrete pavers. Chalking is not allowed on walls, doors, windows, trees or any vertical surfaces. Organizations or persons who violate this policy may be charged for time and materials to remove the chalk.
  7. Special Rules for Directional Signage
    小型指示标志(不大于18英寸× 24英寸)可放置在户外草地上 大学预留场地举办活动时,须在离道路十英尺范围内安排场地 当大多数预期参加者不是校园社区的成员时. Directional 标志必须在活动当天放置,并在活动结束时移除.
▼   Expressive Activity

十大彩票网投平台承认并支持学生、员工、 访客不得在校园内以合法的方式从事表达性活动. The 这一政策的目的是促进思想的自由交流和安全高效 operation of the University. The primary missions of the University are to provide 通过持续的教学,研究,社区服务和医疗保健 项目,由教师或部门的成员赞助和执行 学院或大学,或在学生活动办公室注册的组织. 平衡学生,员工和客人在校园发言的权利 大学需要保存和保护其财产,学生,员工和学生 访客的表达活动可能会受到合理的监管 时间,地点和方式,无论是在建筑物内还是在校园外. 大学员工在强制执行时不会考虑表达性活动的内容 this policy.

Within this policy “expressive activities” include:

  • 美国注册学生组织的会议和其他团体活动;
  • 演讲、表演、示威、集会、守夜及其他类似活动 by students, employees, and visitors
  • Distribution of literature, such as leafleting and pamphleting; and
  • Any other expression protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

本政策中的任何内容都不打算,也不应被理解为一种认可 或由十大彩票网投平台批准在校园内进行任何演讲或示威 超出联邦法律、州法律或大学规章规定的权利.

For the complete policy see pages 126-129 from the Lowdown.


Reservations and Events

▼   Reservations are available to:

Active Registered Student Organizations

十大彩票网投平台所有活跃的注册学生组织 是否已完成学生活动事务处规定的所有注册手续.

University Departments

任何认可的大学院系,包括任何认可的院系课程 or committees.

External Groups

任何非注册的外部团体、组织或个人 department or student organization.

校外个人或团体如欲在本校预留名额 of South Alabama campus, please note the following guidelines:

  • 在确认您的预订请求之前,必须指定正式的美国担保人.  Further information on sponsorship is listed below.
  • The Mitchell Center is a venue and does not fall under this policy.  Please see the Mitchell Center website for a full listing of their policies.
  • 所有活动由非美国个人或团体在大学财产的任何地方保留 must obtain general liability insurance.


A USA sponsor must agree to the below terms and conditions:

  1. 他们必须是一个活跃的,被十大彩票网投平台认可的学生组织 or a University of South Alabama academic or administrative department.
  2. 任何设置、活动和撕裂都需要一名授权代表在场 down of the requested space.
  3. 赞助商同意承担任何未支付的费用或相关的财产损失 with the event.  In the event a sponsor representative is unable to attend all of 活动的功能,团体的预订将被取消,他们将 no longer be allowed to use the space.  Ultimately, any unpaid costs and/or damages 美国担保人是否有责任从外部实体获取.  In the 如果未支付费用,非美国个人的未来预订请求 or group will be denied.
  4. 大学保留要求提供额外信息,批准或拒绝的权利 the reservation request at any time.  In addition to these overarching guidelines, individual buildings may have additional requirements.  



所有预订学生中心设施和服务的要求必须得到确认 由副署长颁发,并在拟议的活动符合政策时获批 governing activities in the requested facility.

会议、活动或项目的日程安排并不表示机构认可 or approval of the content of the activity.

根据所提供的信息,组织可能需要与他们的 advisor or other University staff/faculty prior to space approval. However, space will not be denied to an organization if the content of the activity is:

  • In violation of federal, state or local laws
  • Contrary to Institutional Policy
  • 可能对大学的教育使命造成严重干扰 of South Alabama
▼   Deadlines

周末(周六和周日)的预订必须在两周内完成 prior to the events date(s) to be considered for approval.

如果提出申请的组织发现它不会使用该设施,则授权 代表必须至少提前5个工作日通知重大活动和 at least 2 business days in advance for minor events. Failure to do so may result in full rental charges or denial of future requests.

所有更改设置必须在至少一个工作日内我提前. Failure to do so may prohibit the necessary changes or results in extra charges

请求组织同意支付在该组织提供的服务 request. Contractual services are the responsibility of the requesting organization. 作为使用条件,学生中心可能需要额外的维护服务 personnel, and/or USAPD at the cost of the requesting organization.

已注册的学生组织须在活动开始前一周缴费 and external groups. Payments are due day off the event for University department reservations.

▼   Co-sponsoring and “Fronting”

学生中心认识到组织合作的重要性和价值 in event planning. For the purpose of event reservations and billing however, only one organization may be considered the “sponsor” of the event. This organization’s 代表将作为与学生中心和该组织的计划联络人 如有必要,您是否负责与预订有关的任何费用.

预订必须仅用于预定目的,不得重新分配 any other group or individual. It is not permissible for a registered student organization 或者大学院系要为外部团体或个人“挂名” the group or individual to receive a preferential rate. If this is found to have occurred, 校园赞助商将负责全部账单,并在学校收取费用 appropriate external group fee.

▼   Mall Area

如果使用商场的空间,只能使用组织颁发的指定空间 Student Center Services and keep walkways free of obstructions.

商场只允许注册的学生组织和 University departments. Orgs and departments are only allowed 4 information table reservations at a time.

允许在购物中心使用音乐,但必须包含干净的歌词和播放 at a maximum sound of 60 decibels. Music usage in the SGA courtyard is limited to the hours of 11AM-1PM, with a maximum sound of 80 decibels.

▼   Damages

任何单位和个人将承担全部赔偿责任 由该组织的原因引起或归因于该组织的设施或设备发生的问题 sponsored activity.

将来申请预订学生中心设施可能会被拒绝和其他 sanctions if:

  • 在使用期间,未支付设施损坏的费用
  • 未能偿还学生中心规定和要求的服务费用
  • Misrepresentation of information requested
  • 会员或客人不遵守学生中心的各项规章制度; the University, or the State of Alabama
▼   Decorating Policy

The Student Center staff must approve all decorations for events.  Please keep the following in mind: 

  • Facilities may not be altered in any way
  • Painting, spraying, or construction of decorations is not permitted
  • Painter's tape is the only tape permitted for use on the walls
  • Duct tape can NOT be used on any surface! 
  • 不得使用推销和/或订书钉将材料固定在墙壁或天花板上. 
  • Tea light candles only, no other type of candles may be used.
▼   Financial and Forms


提出申请的组织可能需要向大学提供具体的规定 一般和个人责任保险、财产保险或担保的保险范围; 工人补偿,以及大学对所有留置权账单的赔偿.

外部团体将被要求向大学提供具体规定 保险范围:一般和个人责任、财产保险或担保; 工人补偿,以及大学对所有留置权账单的赔偿. A quote can be attained from http://tulip.ajgrms.com.

请求各组织同意对大学进行保险、保护和保护 南阿拉巴马州,其受托人,官员,雇员和代理人,正式行事 否则,从任何和所有的责任,索赔,要求,行动,债务和律师 因损失或损害而索赔或以任何方式索赔而产生的费用 对十大彩票网投平台的财产造成损失或造成任何人员伤亡, 包括但不限于受托人、官员、雇员或大学代理人 南阿拉巴马州或其他可能发生在大学内部或大学财产上的事件, in connection with the aforesaid function. I, on behalf of the requesting organization, 进一步放弃对…提起诉讼的任何及所有权利 或以其他方式看到十大彩票网投平台,它的受托人,官员,员工 和代理,正式或以其他方式行事,从任何和所有的责任,索赔,要求, 诉讼,债务和律师费引起的,索赔的原因,或以任何方式 基于对请求组织、参与者的财产的损失或损害, 在十大彩票网投平台的范围内与上述有关 event.

▼   Food and Catering


Aramark has exclusive catering rights to the University. Aramark may, at its sole 酌情考虑,提供书面许可的组织/个人自行携带 food and/or beverages provided it is not catered by a third party. Organizations/individuals are responsible for cleaning any trash created; failure to do so may result in additional cleaning charges.

如果爱玛客允许赞助商提供未提供的食品和/或饮料 如果是爱玛客,赞助商将负责,并将保持无害和保险 大学,其官员,受托人,仆人和受让人,从任何和所有责任 resulting from the serving of such food and/or beverage.

学生活动中心不允许携带酒精饮料,除非另有规定 Aramark. 如果承包含酒精饮料,则必须满足额外的要求. For more information contact Aramark Catering at (251) 460-7948.

▼   Parking

学生中心周围的可用停车位可能非常有限,视情况而定 on the time of day, day of the week, or time of the year. Please refer to the campus parking map and advise your guests in advance of parking options.

The map can be found at Parking Services Map. 有关停车的问题,请致电(251)461-1481向停车服务处查询 or parkingservices@huangzhijian.com.

▼   Security and Safety Policies


十大彩票网投平台警察局(USAPD)官员必须在 申请机构或大学院系的费用,视乎性质而定 of the event. 十大彩票网投平台学生中心管理部将决定 the nature of events.

One USAPD officer, per 100 people will be required with a charge of $30.00 per hour, per officer. 这些费用应该提前支付给十大彩票网投平台 Student Center

在活动期间或之后在停车场或学生中心的其他区域闲逛 an event is strictly prohibited. USAPD reserves the right to call in additional officers, should the need warrant, at the fee stated above. No other security arrangement will be satisfactory for the activity covered in this agreement.


美国保留终止预订的权利,即使活动正在进行中。 if:

  • Property or furnishings are being damaged as a result of the activity
  • The activity is endangering the health or safety of patrons
  • 该活动是干扰大学的进程或侵犯 the rights of others
  • 预订请求上提供的信息在没有明示的情况下发生重大变化 approval from the Student Center
  • 因实际原因而移动活动地点,包括但不限于 to safety and appropriateness of space

要求组织同意遵守消防安全法规和程序,包括 the proper exit procedures, room capacity and room setup requirements. In the event 不符合这些要求和程序的,学生中心可以 采取适当的措施,包括让个人离开或取消活动 the event, even if it is in progress.

不遵守所有政策和程序将导致以后的预订被拒绝 and/or payment for incurred damages.